Sally Face Crack


Read a detailed walkthrough of the fifth episode of the game Sally Face. Also at the end of the article, you will find information about all the achievements, how to open door 5 in the Void House and how to unlock the Secret Ending. Watch the intro video. Sally is dead, and you play as Ashley. The girl is in the cemetery. Explore the graves.

Horror Mystery Sally Face Mphfpc Ms Peregrines Home For Peculiar Ch (Cover not by Me) Sal Fisher was a very peculiar boy. He knew that, and he liked to be isolated from others as a result. But when a new group comes in, he has to make sure to keep their prying minds from seeing what they shouldn't. Sally Face Episode 1-4 Free Download Sally Face Episode 1-4 free. download full Version PC Game Setup In Single Direct Link For Windows. It Is A Best Adventure Base Indie Game. wpadcamp1 Sally Face Episode 1-4 PC Game Overview Delve into an unsettling adventure following the boy with a prosthetic face and a tragic past. Sally Face Free Download PC Game Cracked in Direct Link and Torrent. Sally Face is a dark adventure about a boy with a prosthetic face and a mysterious past. Sally Face PC Game Overview: Sally Face is developed and published by Steve Gabry.

Larry couldn't take it anymore. As soon as the girl was no longer in view, Larry pulled out his phone, so quick that he almost whipped it across the diner, but luckily he kept his grip. He opened to his most used contact and wasted no time in typing out the message.

To: Sally Face 3

Dude, I need your help to get out of this, call me in like 1 min, I'll explain later just call so I have a reason to leave early.

[Sent 8:49 PM]

He stared at the hunk of technology for a few more seconds, not necessarily expecting a quick reply but hopeful nonetheless, before ultimately shoving his phone deep in his pocket and acting like he'd never pulled it out.

The girl, Riley, soon returned, taking her seat opposite Larry, who couldn't help but notice her chocolate coloured lipstick looked to have been reapplied. She's overthinking this. She was pretty, with freckles littering her tan cheeks and perfect dark curls resting on her shoulders, but definitely not Larry's type. What was his type? Well, he didn't exactly know, but he had always ended up comparing every girl to a certain blue haired weirdo who never seemed to leave his thoughts.

If the girl wore her hair up, he'd always think of how Sal would look better with that hairstyle then she did. Whenever a girl laughed he would think of how annoying it was compared to how Sal laughed. Even if girls smiled, he was comparing it to the smile behind the mask that he had never seen. His thoughts were all Sally, Sal, Sally Face, Sal.

Sally Face Cracking

In his mind, Sal was perfect, someone he constantly wanted to be around. He hadn't met anyone, let alone a girl, half as interesting or perfect as Sally was, so he was single until he did.

'As I was saying, she's just kinda.. off putting? I don't know, I feel judge-y, but I think I'm allowed to because she seems pretty bad, from what I've heard. Just weird and freaky.. Sometimes I think she's just gonna curse me or something, someday.' Riley had a goofy(annoying) grin, reaching over to grab a fry from Larry's plate. She could've just ordered her own fries, instead she ordered a stupid small salad from a burger place.

Larry clenched his fist under the table, bouncing his leg to help his attempts to play nice for now. 'You keep saying she—'

The stupid chimed ring tone rang out and Larry smiled in relief. He was quick to pull out his phone, giving a half hearted 'gotta take this' before flipping the thing open and putting it to his ear.

'Larry.' He hated how bad the phone call made his friend's voice sound and he wished he were there across from him, to replace the bitch with the chocolate lipstick. The thought only made him want to image what Sal would look like wearing the same lipstick, even if he never would, which lead to Larry imagining his friend's face. He figured Sal would look better in the lipstick then Riley did.

'Hey, Sally Face.' The brunette really exaggerated the name as he made eye contact with Riley, who quickly stiffened, eyes wide. 'What's up?' He let a smile creep on his face when he turned away, staring at some of the old art on the wall, some stupid paintings that looked like Gizmo had walked over a canvas.

'Okay so something actually happened and I wasn't gonna call because I didn't want to disrupt your date but I'm kinda panicking and when you said to call I was so relieved I'm all shakey and I really—'

'Woah, woah, slow down, are you okay? I'll be right there, are you still in my room?' Larry wasted no time jumping up, dropping some money on the table and grabbing his jacket.

'N-no, treehouse.'


'I'm on my way, okay?' He didn't bother to say goodbye to his date, not even sparing a glance at her or that chocolate lipstick, just rushing out of the diner to his car.

Sally Face Crack

'Be careful, okay? Please be careful.' Higurashi when they cry hou - ch.7 minagoroshi download for mac.

'I'll be fine, why wouldn't I be? Are you safe?'

'I-I'm okay here, just scared right now.' The boy's voice shook and Larry could swear he heard a quiet yelp through the phone.

'I'm driving now, I'll be right there.' He hung up before driving off towards the apartments, drumming his fingers impatiently as he drove just above the speed limit, not wanting to go too fast and be pulled over, again. Everything was dead silent in the car, the radio had been busted for weeks.

He cursed himself for deciding on a diner out of town as his mind raced with possibilities of what could be wrong, Sal never mentioned anything specific. He couldn't recall if it had sounded like the other was crying through the phone, but liked to think he hadn't been and was fine.

Luckily, there weren't many cars on the road and Larry was in the apartment parking lot quicker than expected. The sky was dark and littered with stars, the horizon no longer painted with warm colours like it was when he first entered the diner. The warm summer air remained, but it was almost choking as the brunette hurried to his treehouse, leaving his car on with the doors unlocked, without even a thought to hope it wouldn't be stolen.

The treehouse was like a looming shadow against the sky, seemingly devoid of light. Larry wouldn't have thought anyone occupied the wooden structure if he hadn't been told.

He was climbing up the side of the tree before he even registered that he had reached it, the old splintering wood pressing roughly against his fingers like always. He was climbing mostly blind under the shadow of night, grasping where he knew the next hold was and pulling himself up.

When he finally made it up and pushed the hatch open, he heard a yelp from the corner of the room and quickly pulled himself into the wooden structure. 'It's me, Sal.' He didn't know why he was whispering, it just felt appropriate. He reached for a lantern in the corner, turning it on, which received another quiet yelp from his friend.

'H-hey, Lar.' Sal was sitting in a corner, his knees pulled to his chest and his face hidden in them. His hands were held up next to his head and shaking slightly and Larry assumed he was either covering his ears or pulling on his hair, which fell messily over his face. The prosthetic sat in front of him, brandishing a new crack and a snapped strap. It wasn't the first time the thing had broke, but Sal would usually just lock himself in his own room until it was fixed, not go to the treehouse, so Larry was fairly confused.

Sally face crack fic

'Hey. What's wrong, dude?' Larry sat crosslegged in front of his friend, picking up the prosthetic and assessing the damage, it didn't seem that bad. He avoided looking up, not wanting to accidentally see Sal's face when he didn't want him to, he'd gotten good and crushing his curiosity.


'A dog?' In his slight shock, he couldn't help but look up and raise an eyebrow. Sal still had his face behind his knees, hunched over in what looked like a very uncomfortable way to keep the position. Blue eyes were barely seen, looking red and glossy.

'Yeah, it was barking, how did you not hear it? Or see it, it had to be at the bottom of the tree.' The blue haired teen seemed to regain his composure slightly, pulling his shirt up to just under his eyes and shaking hair into his face so he could sit up. Chocolate lipstick was brought back to mind when they sat across from each other like this.

The pulled up shirt exposed a bit of his pale stomach and Larry's eyes absentmindedly lowered. He looked skinny. Of course he took notice of the forming bruise on stark skin but chose not to mention it.

'There was no sign of a dog, dude. No barking at all.' Concern laced itself into his words as it always did, bringing a more noticeable frown to the bluenette's face

'That can't be true, it was barking just now, until you turned the light on.' Wrapping his arms around his knees once more, the boy more exposed the blood on his hands, which Larry wasn't as hesitant to point out. Instantly, he panicked, grabbing the other's hand and inspecting his palm. Dry blood spread across his pale skin, coming from scrapes on the heel of his hand and up his fingers.

'What happened?'

'I fell, it chased me..'

'What chased you?'

'The dog.'

'Sal, there was no dog.'

'Yes, there was, it was barking just now!'

'Then why didn't I hear it? Or see it, for that matter?' A type of anger was in his words, like frustration, but not exactly at his friend. Anger was one of the main emotions Larry kept lent up, so it likes to seep it's way out into his words when ever it could, like an overflowing jar. He couldn't help it, really. Well, he could but he wasn't willingly to, so he just had to deal with being a nuisance.

Sally face crack key

'Stop being so loud, Larry!' He covered his ears with his bloodied hands, resting his forehead on his knees, his shirt pulling away from his face with the action.

'Fuck, dude, I'm sorry.' He lowered his voice and repositioned himself to put a bit more space between them, just a bit, and slouching so he didn't look as big and 'intimidating.' Sal's response to this was to scoot forward and lean against his friend, hiding his face in the brunette's shoulder. 'I thought you were gonna hang with my mom?'

'Lisa went to make dinner and I didn't wanna be in the way so I was gonna go for a walk for a little while.' Strained words were muffled by the fabric of Larry's jacket, almost so much that the brunette couldn't hear them. 'I was in the woods and there was a bark and I saw a dog, it's eyes were red.. I ran and fell, that's how the prosthetic broke. I ended up in the treehouse and it kept barking until the light turned on.. You must've scared it away..'

'Sal.. have you been taking your pills?' Hesitantly, phe spoke, he knew this was a more touchy subject. Medication was something they never really spoke about, unless they had reason to believe the other was skipping out on their personal dose of drugs.

'I'm not crazy, Larry!'

'I'm not saying you are, just,' He interrupted himself with a short sigh, god he was sounding like some sappy dad right now. 'They're there to help you, ya know.'

A second of silence.

'Maybe the dog is just in your head again. I won't judge you.. Do you really think the dog was real?'

Another second.

'I.. It had to be.'

Right now, Larry had the urge to grab his friends face and look into his eyes and smile and see him smile and ki— But he didn't, shaking away those chocolate lipstick thoughts. Instead he just sat with his arms awkwardly around his friend, staring at the broken prosthetic to avoid looking at Sal's face. 'It's fine, it doesn't matter, you're okay, so it doesn't matter.'

'It does matter, though. You think I'm crazy.' Sal sighed, pulling away with his hair in his face.

'I don't. If anything was gonna make me think you were crazy it wouldn't be this. It happens with you sometimes, I get it.'

'You shouldn't have to get it.' He simply flopped back into Larry's chest, and though the brunette knew this was just so his friend could hide his face, he couldn't help the invasion of thoughts that suddenly clouded his mind at the touch. 'What happened with the girl, Sophie?'

'Riley. She was just a bitch clad in chocolate lipstick. Wouldn't stop yapping and she cared way too much about the whole thing.' He actually rolled his eyes at the thought, why had he ever agreed to the date, he had already known she was the type to bring a pen into the school bathrooms.

'I don't like chocolate lipstick.' The smaller mumbled, producing a laugh from the lanky metal head.

'I think you just haven't seen it on the right person.' Mind full of lipstick thoughts and cheap diner fries, Larry suddenly remembered he'd left the car running in the parking lot. 'Fuck..'

Hi guys I’m so sorry for the radio silence. Unfortunately both my laptop and tablet flipping died on me and my phone is ancient so filling prompts from it is a big ole pain in the actual butt.

Not to mention current events have kept me more than a little busy with protests and sifting through/keeping up with the constant onslaught of new info…

Anyways! I’m gonna do what I can to try and fill some of the shorter prompts in my inbox over the next couple of days, atleast until I can figure out the whole computer situation…